Behavior Plan/Rules

Dear Parents,

     Centennial Arts Academy will be implementing a school-wide positive behavior plan this year.  The Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Committee has researched and designed an effective method that will be implemented in classrooms, school-wide, for consistency.  We believe that we are to teach the whole child, academically, behaviorally and emotionally.

   Our goal for the students at Centennial is to instill positive character traits that will prepare them for the world outside of school.  Part of preparing our students is for them to have a clear understanding that each child is responsible for his/her own actions and that every choice has a consequence, positive or negative.

Great Job!!
Good Day!
Ready to Learn
Think About It

Teacher’s Choice
Parent Contact
Here’s a brief explanation of how the behavior plan will work:

This behavior chart will be located in the front of your child’s agenda or red folder for you to reference on a weekly basis.   The student will begin every day on “ready to learn” regardless of his/her choices the prior day.  The student will have multiple opportunities to move up or down the chart, with a personally numbered clothespin, each day based on his/her choices.   “Character Cash” will be earned at the end of each day based on the level your child has achieved. Teachers will give out the Character Cash on Friday mornings.  Throughout each month your child will have the opportunity to trade-in his/her money for small incentives or save the “Character Cash” for larger incentives offered quarterly.

Please note the incentives will be directly supported with money Centennial earns through Bruster’s Italian Ice Fundraisers!  In other words, we need your support of this fundraiser monthly! 

Should you have any questions/concerns about this behavior plan please contact the school at 770-287-2044.

We have five rules in our classroom, and each rule has its own motion to help us remember the rule (from Whole Brain Teaching; it uses our whole brain – both saying and doing).
Here are the rules:
Rule 1: Follow directions quickly!
Rule 2: Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Rule 3: Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Rule 4: Make smart choices!
Rule 5: Let your teacher teach!